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* jaguarDefs.h --
* Declarations of data structures and constants for the Interphase
* V/SCSI 4210 Jaguar SCSI host bus adapter (HBA). This definitions
* in this file come from the "V/SCSI 4210 Jaguar System Interface
* User's Guide", document number UG-0770-000-X0F. The document was
* obtained from:
* Interphase Corporation
* Application Engineering Department
* 2925 Merrell Road
* Dallas, Tx 75229
* Note that this file should only contain information for the Jaguar
* HBA as a generic VME bus device. This means that information about
* the Jaguar's interface to particle machines should not be included.
* The structures in this file are set up so that most C compilers will generate
* layouts of the structures that match the Jaguar vision of the data
* structures. These structures should only need to be changed if the
* Jaguar firmware changes.
* Copyright 1989 Regents of the University of California
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
* software and its documentation for any purpose and without
* fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
* notice appear in all copies. The University of California
* makes no representations about the suitability of this
* software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
* express or implied warranty.
* $Header: /sprite/src/kernel/dev/sun3.md/RCS/jaguarDefs.h,v 1.2 89/05/24 07:50:05 rab Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)
/* constants */
/* data structures */
* The Jaguar communicates with the host computer using 2K bytes of dual
* ported memory mapped into the Short I/0 space of the VMEbus. To
* communicate with the Jaguar, the host builds command blocks in the
* shared memory and points the Jaguar at them. The following type
* declarations defined the memory image of these command blocks. The
* acronyms (ie MCSB, MCE, etc) are taken from the Jaguar User's guide
* mentioned above. The referend page numbers are also from this guide.
* Note that the Jaguar's processor is a big endian hence these structures
* probably will be incorrect if the host is little endian.
* In order to simplify some of the computations in this header file, we
* set the maximum size IOPB to be 64 bytes. This allows us to handle
* SCSI command blocks upto (64-32) bytes with out using extented pass-thru
* mode. It also makes indexing into arrays of IOPBs fast.
* The master control/status block (MCSB) is used by the Jaguar to pass
* and receive information about the overall operation of the controller.
* Page 8
* Note that the MCSB must reside the the short I/O space of the VME bus.
* Because of this the host processor must only do 16 bit stores to the
* fields in the MCSB.
typedef struct JaguarMCSB {
unsigned short status; /* The master status register (MSR).
* Used to report board level status.
* Read only to the host. Defined below.
unsigned short control; /* The master control register (MCR).
* Used to control board. Defined below.
* The Jaguar never chanages any of the
* bits in this register.
unsigned short queueAvail; /* The interrupt on queue available register.
* (IQAR). Controls the issue of interrupts
* when queue entries become available.
unsigned short queueHead; /* The queue head pointer. This location is
* for use by the host software and not used
* by the Jaguar.
unsigned short thawQueue; /* The thaw work queue register. This register
* is used to restart a work queue after an
* error. Defined below.
unsigned short reserved[3];
} JaguarMCSB;
* JAGUAR_MCSB_SIZE - The size in bytes of the MCSB according to
* the Jaguar. This should equal sizeof(JaguarMCSB) or all bets are off.
* Page 5
* The master status register (MSR). Bits 15 thru 3 are reserved.
* Pages 8-9
* NOT_AVAILABLE - Bit indicating controller available for commands.
* BOARD_OK - Bit indicating power-up diagnostics passed. Not valid for
* 100 microseconds after reset.
* FLUSH_COMPLETE - Bit indicating the completion of a Queue flush operation.
* The master control register MCR. Bit 1, 3-10, 14-15 are reserved and must
* be set to zero.
* Page 10-12.
* START_QUEUES - Bit used to enable queue mode.
* FLUSH_QUEUES_RPT Bit used to flush all work queues with report
* given for each command flushed.
* FLUSH_QUEUES - Bit used to flush all command queues.
* RESET - Reset the controller and all SCSI busses. Must leave
* set for 50 microseconds.
* SYSFAIL_ENA - Enables the Jaguar to assert the VME Sysfail signal
* if it fails diagnostics.
#define JAGUAR_MCR_RESET 0x1000
* The interrupt of queue available registers IQAR.
* Page 12-14.
* INTR_VECTOR - Macro to convert an VME interupt level and vector into the
* value to be stored into the IQAR and CIB.
* HALF_EMPTY_INTR - Bit indicating interrupt when queue is half ready.
* INTR_ENABLE - Bit indicating queue avail interrupt enable.
#define JAGUAR_INTR_VECTOR(level, vector) (((level)<<8)|(vector))
* The thaw work queue register. Bits 1-7 are reserved must be zero.
* Page 14-15
* THAW_WORK_QUEUE_BIT - Bit indicating thawing of the specified work queue.
* THAW_WORK_QUEUE - Macro to compute the value to store in the
* thaw work queue register to thaw a queue. Thaw
* is complete when Jaguar resets THAW_WORK_QUEUE_BIT.
#define THAW_WORK_QUEUE(workQueue) (THAW_WORK_QUEUE_BIT|((workQueue)<<8))
* The command CQE provides the Jaguar with all the info needed to find and
* execute commands.
* Page 16.
typedef struct JaguarCQE {
unsigned short controlReg; /* Queue entry control register.
* (QECR). Used to kick off command
* execution. Defined below.
unsigned short iopbOffset; /* Offset into the Jaguar's memory
* of the IOPB for this command.
unsigned short commandTag[2]; /* Four bytes for the host software. */
unsigned char iopbLength; /* The length of the IOPB for this
* command. (In 32 bit words!!!)
unsigned char workQueue; /* What work queue is this command
* destine.
unsigned short reserved; /* Zero me. */
} JaguarCQE;
* JAGUAR_CQE_SIZE - The size in bytes of the CQE according to
* the Jaguar. This should equal sizeof(JaguarCQE) or all bets are off.
* Page 16
#define JAGUAR_CQE_SIZE 12
* The queue entry control register (QECR). Bits 3-7, 12-15 are reserved and
* must be zero. Bits 8-11 are the IOPB type and since the Jaguar only
* supports type zero IOBBs, bits 8-11 are also zero.
* Page 17-18
* GO_BUSY - Start the command. This bit set means the CQE is busy.
* ABORT_ACK - Stop aborting commands.
* HIGH_PRI - This is a high priority command. Put it in the front of the
* work queue.
#define JAGUAR_CQE_GO_BUSY 0x1
* The controller configuation status block is used by the Jaguar to report
* the hardware and firmware configuration of the controller.
* Page 25-28
typedef struct JaguarCCSB {
char reserved1[3];
char code[3]; /* Product code - 3 ASCII chars. */
char reserved2[3];
char variation; /* Product variation. */
char reserved3[3];
char firmwareLevel[3];/* Firmware revison level - 2 ASCII chars. */
char reserved4[2];
char firmwareDate[8]; /* Firmware release data. Format MMDDYYYY. */
char reserved5[2];
unsigned short bufferRAMsize; /* The amount of buffer RAM on board. Units
* is kilobytes.
char reserved6[2];
unsigned char primaryID; /* The target ID of the HBA on the primary bus.
* Encoded in binary.
unsigned char secondaryID; /* The target ID of the HBA on the secondary
* bus. Encoded in binary.
char reserved[86];
} JaguarCCSB;
* JAGUAR_CCSB_SIZE - The size in bytes of the CCSB according to
* the Jaguar. This should equal sizeof(JaguarCCSB) or all bets are off.
* Page 25
#define JAGUAR_CCSB_SIZE 120
* The controller initialization block is not initialize the Jaguar controller.
* To is used by the initialize controller command 0x41 and must reside in
* the dual ported memory.
* Page 58-60
typedef struct JaguarCIB {
unsigned short numQueueSlots; /* Number of slots in each command Q. */
unsigned short dmaBurstCount; /* Number of DMA transfers the
* jaguar will perform before releasing
* the VME bus.
unsigned short normalIntrVector; /* Normal completion interrupt vector.*/
unsigned short errorIntrVector; /* Error completion interrupt vector.*/
unsigned short priTargetID; /* Primary bus SCSI ID. */
unsigned short secTargetID; /* Secondary bus SCSI ID. */
unsigned short offsetCRB; /* Offset into dual ported memory of the
* command reponse block.
unsigned short scsiSelTimeout[2]; /* SCSI selection time out value in
* milliseconds. 0 -> infinite.
unsigned short scsiReselTimeout[2]; /* SCSI re-selection time out value in
* (32 milliseconds) ticks.
* 0 -> infinite.
unsigned short vmeTimeout[2]; /* VME timeout value. 32 milliseconds
* ticks. 0 -> 100 milliseconds.
unsigned short reserved[3];
} JaguarCIB;
#define JAGUAR_CIB_SIZE 32
* For secTargetID and priTargetID, BUS ID directing the board to read
* default from DIP switches.
* The i/O parameter block (IOPB) is used to send commands to the Jaguar.
* Page 31-
* The Format of the IOPB control block depends on the command being
* executed.
typedef struct JaguarIOPB {
unsigned short command; /* Command to issue. Defined below. */
unsigned short options; /* Command options to used.
* Defined below.
unsigned short returnStatus; /* Return status of the command. */
unsigned short reserved;
unsigned short intrVector; /* Normal and error error vectors. */
unsigned short intrLevel; /* VME interrupt level. */
unsigned short reserved2;
unsigned short addrModifier; /* Controls the data transfer on the
* VME bus. Defined below.
unsigned short bufferAddr[2]; /* Address of data buffer for cmd. */
unsigned short maxXferLen[2]; /* Maximum number of bytes to xfer. */
unsigned short reserved3[2];
* The data following the reserved3 field is command depended.
union {
struct {
unsigned short length; /* The length of the SCSI command
* block. Used only for the
* PASS_THRU_EXT command. This
* is also the SCSI Bus ID for
* RESET commands.
unsigned short unitAddress; /* SCSI bus and target ID. */
unsigned char cmd[JAGUAR_MAX_SCSI_CMDSIZE];
/* Scsi Command Block. */
} scsiArg;
struct {
* DIAG_CMD command.
unsigned short romTest; /* ROM test results. */
unsigned short scrRamTest; /* Scratch pad RAM test results. */
unsigned short bufRamTest; /* Buffer RAM test results. */
unsigned short eventRamTest;/* Evant RAM test results. */
unsigned short priPort; /* Primary SCSI port test results. */
unsigned short secPort; /* Primary SCSI port test results. */
} diagArg;
struct {
unsigned short number; /* Work number queue to initialize. */
unsigned short options; /* Work queue options. Defined below. */
unsigned short slots; /* Number of slots in work queue. */
unsigned short priority; /* Priority level of queue. */
} workQueueArg;
} cmd;
} JaguarIOPB;
* IOPB commands.
* PASS_THRU_CMD - Send a SCSI command to the specified target.
* PASS_THRU_EXT_CMD - Send a command to the specified target. Command doesn't
* fit in IOPB.
* RESET_CMD - Reset the SCSI bus.
* Control IOBs:
* DIAG_CMD - Perform diagnostics.
* INIT_HBA_CMD - Initialized the controller.
* INIT_WORK_QUEUE_CMD - Initialize a work queue.
* DUMP_HBA_PARAMS_CMD - Return the initialization parameters.
* DUMP_WORK_QUEUE_CMD - Return the parameters of a work queue.
* FLUSH_WORK_QUEUE_CMD - Flush a work queue.
#define JAGUAR_RESET_CMD 0x22
#define JAGUAR_DIAG_CMD 0x40
#define JAGUAR_INIT_HBA_CMD 0x41
#define JAGUAR_CMD_NAMES { \
{ JAGUAR_PASS_THRU_CMD, "SCSI Pass-Through"} , \
{ JAGUAR_PASS_THRU_EXT_CMD, "SCSI Pass-Through Extended"}, \
{ JAGUAR_DIAG_CMD, "Perform Diagnostics" }, \
{ JAGUAR_INIT_HBA_CMD, "Initalize Controller" }, \
{ JAGUAR_INIT_WORK_QUEUE_CMD, "Initalize Work Queue" }, \
{ JAGUAR_DUMP_HBA_PARAMS_CMD, "Dump Initialization Parameters" }, \
{ JAGUAR_DUMP_WORK_QUEUE_CMD, "Dump Work Queue Parameters" }, \
{ JAGUAR_FLUSH_WORK_QUEUE_CMD, "Flush Work Queue" } }
* IOPB options:
* JAGUAR_IOPB_INTR_ENA - Interrupt upon command completion.
* JAGUAR_IOPB_SCAT_GATH - Enable scatter/gather.
* JAGUAR_IOPB_TO_HBA - Data is read from the VME Bus to HBA.
* These work on only the work queue:
* JAGUAR_IOPB_RPT_FLUSH - Report after each command is flushed.
* JAGUAR_IOPB_RESET_IP - Reset SCSI Bus when an In procgress command
* is flushed.
#define JAGUAR_IOPB_TO_HBA 0x100
#define JAGUAR_IOPB_RESET_IP 0x200
* IOPB interrupt vector (intrVector).
* JAGUAR_IOPB_INTR_VECTOR() Set the intrVector field on of IOPB
* to interrupt with the specified error
* and normal vectors.
#define JAGUAR_IOPB_INTR_VECTOR(normalVector, errorVector) \
* IOPB address modifier. The address modifier controls how the Jaguar reads and
* writes data to and from the VME bus. Three components make up the SCSI
* addr modifier: the VME address modifier, the memory type, and transfer type.
* The low byte of the transfer type is the VME address modifier.
* Memory types:
* JAGUAR_16BIT_MEM_TYPE - Transfer data 16 bits at a time.
* JAGUAR_32BIT_MEM_TYPE - Transfer data 32 bits at a time.
* JAGUAR_BOARD_MEM_TYPE - Transfer data to or from Jaguar dual
* port memory.
* Transfer Type:
* JAGUAR_NORMAL_MODE_XFER - Normal transfer mode.
* JAGUAR_BLOCK_MODE_XFER - Block transfer mode.
* JAGUAR_NO_INC_MODE_XFER - Diable incrementing addresses transfer mode.
#define JAGUAR_16BIT_MEM_TYPE 0x100
#define JAGUAR_32BIT_MEM_TYPE 0x200
* UnitAddress parameter for scsiCmd type parameters.
* JAGUAR_UNIT_ADDRESS() - Form an SCSI unit address from the Bus,
* targetID and logical unit number. This macro can't handle extended
* addressing.
#define JAGUAR_UNIT_ADDRESS(bus, targetID, lun) \
((targetID) | ((lun)<<3) | ((bus)<<6))
* Work Queue options. This constants define the options field for
* the INIT_WORK_QUEUE_CMD type commands.
* Page 64-65
* ABORT_ENABLE - Abort all commands in work queue afther error.
* FREEZE_QUEUE - Freeze the work queue on any error.
* PARITY_ENABLE - Enable SCSI bus parity checking.
* INIT_QUEUE - Initialize queue if it is already initialize.
#define JAGUAR_WQ_INIT_QUEUE 0x8000
* Controller error code names:
{ 0x00, "Good Status"} , /* MACSI/controller error codes. 0x00-0x0a */ \
{ 0x01, "Queue Full Error"} , \
{ 0x02, "Work Queue Initialization Error"}, \
{ 0x03, "First Command Error"}, \
{ 0x04, "Command Code Error"}, \
{ 0x05, "Queue Number Error"}, \
{ 0x06, "Queue Already Initialized"}, \
{ 0x07, "Queue Un-Initialized"}, \
{ 0x08, "Queue Mode Not Ready"}, \
{ 0x09, "Command Unavailable"}, \
{ 0x0a, "Priority Error"}, \
{ 0x10, "Reserved Field Error"}, /* General error code information. */ \
{ 0x11, "Reset Bus Status"}, \
{ 0x12, "Port 2 Unavailable"}, \
{ 0x13, "SCSI ID Error"}, \
{ 0x14, "SCSI Bus Reset Status"}, \
{ 0x15, "Command Aborted by Reset"}, \
{ 0x20, "VME Bus Error"}, /* VME Errors. */ \
{ 0x21, "VME Timeout Error"}, \
{ 0x23, "VME Illegal Address"}, \
{ 0x24, "VME Illegal Memory Type"}, \
{ 0x25, "VME Illegal Count Specified"}, \
{ 0x30, "SCSI Selection Timeout Error"}, /* SCSI Errors. */ \
{ 0x31, "SCSI Discounnect Timeout Error"}, \
{ 0x32, "SCSI Error"}, \
{ 0x30, "SCSI Transfer Count Exception"}, \
{ 0x80, "Flush on error in progress"}, \
{ 0x81, "Flush work queue status"}}
* Scatter/gather element list Format.
typedef struct JaguarSG {
unsigned short byteCount; /* Number of bytes in element. */
unsigned short bufferAddr[2]; /* Address of data buffer. */
unsigned short addressModifier; /* Address modifier of data buffer. */
} JaguarSG;
#define JAGUAR_SG_SIZE 8
* The command response block is used by the Jaguar to post command
* completion status and data.
* Page 22.
typedef struct JaguarCRB {
unsigned short status; /* Command response status word (CRSW).
* Used for handshake and respose type.
* Defined below.
unsigned short reserved; /* zero. */
unsigned short commandTag[2]; /* Command tag from CQE. */
unsigned char iopbLength; /* IOBP length from CQE. */
unsigned char workQueue; /* Work queue number from CQE. */
unsigned short reserved2; /* zero. */
JaguarIOPB iopb; /* IOPB of command. */
} JaguarCRB;
* JAGUAR_CRB_SIZE - The size in bytes of the CRB according to
* the Jaguar. This should equal sizeof(JaguarCRB)-sizeof(JaguarIOPB)
* or all bets are off.
* Page 22
#define JAGUAR_CRB_SIZE 12
* The Command response status word (CRSW). Bits 7-15 reserved.
* BLOCK_VALID - The CRB is valid.
* CLEAR_INTERRUPT - Used by the host to ack the CRB.
* COMMAND_COMPLETE - The CRB is for a command completion and not a
* queue available interrupt.
* ERROR - The command completed with an error.
* EXCEPTION - The command completed with a SCSI exception.
* ABORTED - The command was aborted.
* QUEUE_START - The command was a queue start.
* QUEUE_AVAILABLE - The interrupt was due to a queue available condition.
/* procedures */
#define JAGUAR_CRB_ERROR 0x4
#endif /* __JAGUAR_HBA_INT */